Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Safety Tips in the Car Park

Car parks are often regarded as high crime areas, with car thefts, window break-ins, and even abductions.

People usually blame a crime on the lack of security at the car park but there are times when such a case happens because of the people’s own carelessness.

Here are a few tips to be safe in the car park.

  1. Be aware of suspicious characters loitering around before you enter your car.

  1. If you sense something wrong while you are inside your car, sound the horn to grab attention.

  1. Always make sure your car is locked and the windows are wound up.

  1. Do not leave the ticket or coin chip in your car.

  1. Never leave your valuable belongings in your car.

  1. Do not park at an empty car park.

  1. Take a picture of the pillar number where you park, in case you forget the location later.

  1. Alternatively, store the pillar number as SMS in your cell phone.

  1. You can always ask a security guard to accompany you to your car.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

dunia hari ni... macam2 jadi... kene selalu berhati2...